9th International World-Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties:
Topics: Pluricentric Languages in the Americas | The localisation of Global Media in Pluricentric Language Areas |
Pluricentric Languages Worldwide
Organised by the International Working Group on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages
Online-Conference August 26-29, 2021
Homepage: http://www.pluricentriclanguages.org/ndvconf-online-2021/
The conference is held in honour of the pioneers of our fields of research:
Sociolinguistics, variational linguistics and the pluricentricity of languages:
Michael Clyne, Susan M. Ervin-Tripp, Charles A. Ferguson, Joshua A. Fishman, Einar Haugen, William Labov,
Heinz Kloss, Elise Riesel and Uriel Weinreich (to name some of the most eminent ones)
The “International Working Group on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages” (WGNDV) is delighted to organise the "9th international conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties". This conference will be hosted by the Austrian German Association (Graz, Austria). In the light of health concerns and the restrictions in international travelling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will have to be held online.
This conference builds on the results of previous eight conferences and workshops held in Graz (2011), Salamanca
(2012), Guilford (2014), Graz (2015), Mainz (2017), Nitra (2018), Graz
(2019) and Stockholm (2019) as can be seen in the eight published
volumes (see website), explored the field, defined the scientific
terminology associated with the descriptions of
pluricentricity, described the current situation of non-dominant
standards in languages of four continents and discussed sociological,
educational and cultural implications of managing language standard
The main
objective of the 9th WGNDV-conference is to further deepen the already available knowledge about
pluricentric languages and to welcome scholars from all over the world to provide
an insight into the linguistic situation and the specific characteristics of as
many pluricentric languages and their varieties as possible.
Section (1): Pluricentric languages in the Americas:
- The 9th International Conference on Pluricentric Languages (PCLs) and their Non-Dominant Varieties will specifically deal with PCLs in the Americas such as: Aymara, Dutch, English, French, Guarani, Spanish, Papiamento, Portuguese and Quechua.
- Apart from these, there is a large number of indigenous languages that might be pluricentric but have not been researched so far . Examples are: Miskito (Honduras, Nicaragua), Guaymí/Ngäbere (Panama, Costa Rica), Kʼicheʼ (Guatemala, Mexico), Kichwa (Ecuador, Colombia) etc.
- The conference organisers would be particularly happy to welcome scholars working on indigenous languages of the Americas checking their status as a PCL and presenting their results at this conference.
Section (2):The localisation of global audiovisual and print media in pluricentric language areas:
- Streaming platforms like Disney+ and Netflix have come under criticism because of the limited language versions they offer. They often own the translations of their content, but for some reason lack the sociolinguistic knowledge of the language situation in the markets they try to reach with their content. For instance, no Catalan version was available on Disney+ Spain. Similarly, on Disney+ Belgium, no Belgian Dutch dubbed versions were available. In Austria too, streaming platforms often do not offer the Austrian German versions. These localised versions are available, however, and could technically speaking simply be included in the language settings.
- The same applies to audiobooks, podcasts and other audio material as well as in printed children books that are often only available in the language versions of the dominant variety of pluricentric languages. The same applies to the language versions of cartoon series like Peppa Pig , audio players (Toniebox) and audio materials used that are only ailable in the language versions of the dominant variety and massively influence the early language acquisition. Parents of small children in Austria for example complain that they often cannot read children books from Germany to their children without translating many words as the original ones are not in use in Austria.
- We are looking forward to receiving papers on this highly topical issue including papers dealing with language policy and language acquisition in pluricentric languages, particularly in the non-dominant varieties. Further research needs to be done into how such language contact situations through audiovisual media with the dominant varieties affect language acquisition in early childhood.
Section (3): General section - Pluricentric languages worldwide:
- In this general section, we are looking forward to papers about PCLs in the regions of the world other than in the Americas.
- It is also possible to establish subsections if there are enough presentations.
- Pluricentric languages in the Americas
- The localisation of global audiovisual media in pluricentric language areas
- The impact of audiovisual media on children’s language acquisition in pluricentric language areas
- Non-dominant varieties of pluricentric languages - perspectives and views
- Pluricentric languages: concept, characteristics, description
- Language policies for pluricentric languages
- Corpora construction for pluricentric languages
- Pluricentric languages and language education
- History of pluricentric languages etc.
- The official languages of the conference will be English, Portuguese and Spanish.
- Additionally, the languages of the sessions relating to specific languages can be used, if there are enough presentations to establish a session in this language.
- However, to facilitate smooth transfer of knowledge all written material (slides, handouts) must be provided in English. The oral presentation may be held in one of the official languages of the 9th Conference or in the language of a language specific session.
- Length of abstracts: 1-2 pages A4. The abstracts should indeed be longer than usual and outline details of the content of presentation in order to compensate for the short presentation time. The abstracts must be written in English.
- Deadline for submitting abstracts: June 15, 2021.
- Submission of abstracts: Abstracts must be submitted via the entry form which can be downloaded from the conference homepage. (Download the abstract entry form here)
- Abstracts must then be sent as attachment to the following email address: 9wgndv-conf@oedeutsch.at. Please write“Abstract submission for 9th WCPCL” in the subject line.
- All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
- Only individual papers of one or several authors can be presented: The presentation time is limited to 15 minutes to allow enough participants to take part in the conference.
- Language of presentations: All written material (slides, handouts) must be presented in English. The oral presentation may be held in one of the official languages of the 9th Conference or in the language of a language specific session.
- Streaming of presentations: In order to avoid delays caused by technical problems (microphone, camera, low WiFi transmission rate etc.) the conference organisers decided that the presentations by default will be streamed and not held live. After the streaming of 4 presentations in a row a general live discussion of the 4 papers will be held with the authors answering the questions live.
- Sending a recording of the presentation to the conference organisers: Due to this structure of the conference we ask all presenters to record their presentation via the record function in Power Point and send the file via the email-address 9wgndv-conf2021@oedeutsch.at to the conference organisers. If the file size surpasses 6 MB you can use the free file transfer service of WETRANSFER (https://wetransfer.com). A detailed instruction about how to record the presentaton will be sent to all participants whose paper has been accepted for presentation.
- Deadline for sending the recorded presentation: August 10, 2021.
A selected number of articles will be published in PCL-Press (https://pcl-press.org) in one or more volumes thematically aligned with the main themes of the conference. Deadline for submission of papers: December 15, 2021. All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
Date of the conference |
August 26-29, 2021 |
Homepage and CVP online |
February 15, 2021 |
Deadline for submission of abstracts |
June 15, 2021 |
Announcement of results of abstract evaluation |
July 10, 2021 |
Deadline for submission of recorded presentation |
August 10, 2021 |
Deadline to register as participants who will present work |
August 10, 2021 |
Deadline to submit paper for publication |
December 15, 2021 |
To register as a participant at the conference, you must access the conference page http://www.pluricentriclanguages.org/ndvconf-online-2021/ and fill out the registration form. Your registration will be only valid after you have paid the registration fees.
Registration fees |
Employed academics |
€ 45 |
Students |
€ 25 |
Non-presenting participant |
€ 30 |
Email: 9wgndv-conf2021@oedeutsch.at
Web site: http://www.pluricentriclanguages.org/ndvconf-online-2021/
General coordinators and chairs of the conference:
Rudolf Muhr (Austrian German Research Association, Graz, Austria)
Reglindis De Ridder (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Organising committee:
Albana Muco (Milano, Italy)
Carla Amoros Negre (Salamanca, Spain)
Dawn Marley (Surrey, UK)
Corey Miller (Virginia, US)
Gerhard Edelmann (Vienna, Austria)
Ildiko Vanco (Nitra, Slovakia)
Josep Mas Castells (Valencia, Spain)
Juan Thomas (Utica, US)
Jutta Ransmayr (Vienna, Austria)
Maria Eugenia Lammoglia Duarte (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Máté Huber (Szeged, Hungary)
Olga Goritskaya (Minsk, Belarus)
Reglindis De Ridder (Stockholm, Sweden)
Rudolf Muhr (Graz, Austria)