The International Working Group on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages (WGNDV)
is pleased to announce its 11th Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-
Dominant Varieties, with the title Pluricentric Languages and Power: At the Crossroads
of Legacies, to be held at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, and online
(hybrid mode) from 22 to 24 May 2025.
The event is organised by the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology at the Iscte –
University Institute of Lisbon (CIES-Iscte), Research Center for General and Applied
Linguistics at the University of Coimbra (CELGA-ILTEC), and Programme in Portuguese
as a Foreign Language/Second Language at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon.
The main objective of the 11th WGNDV Conference is to extend our knowledge on
pluricentric languages and theory. To that end, we welcome scholars, policy makers, and
other civil society actors from all over the world to provide their insights into the linguistic
situation, the specific characteristics of pluricentric languages and their varieties, and their
relevance for pluricentric theory.
This international conference builds on the previous ten conferences and workshops held in
Graz (2011), Salamanca (2012), Guildford (2014), Graz (2015), Mainz (2017), Nitra (2018),
Graz (2019), Stockholm (2019), Graz (online 2021), and Leipzig (online 2023), all of which resulted in these published volumes. Our conferences and workshops explore the field, define
terminology, theory and concepts associated with the descriptions of pluricentricity, describe
the current situation of non-dominant standards as comprehensively as possible and discuss
sociological, educational and cultural implications of managing language standard systems.
The conference’s topics include, but are not limited to:
Pluricentric languages: theory, concept, characteristics, description
Pluricentricity, nationalism and translanguaging
Pluricentric languages in the human-machine era
Pluricentricity in language proficiency certification and assessment
Non-dominant varieties of pluricentric languages – perspectives and views
Pluricentric languages and linguistic dehegemonisation
Decolonial approach to language diversity
Pluricentricity of ex-colonial languages and autochthonous languages
Official status of national varieties and language policies
Corpus construction for pluricentric languages
Language making and language (re)naming
Pluricentric languages and language education
History of pluricentric languages
Intersectionality in pluricentric approaches to languages
Pluricentricity in the intersection of arts, mediaspheres, activisms and public policy
- The conference languages will be English, and Portuguese (with slides in English).
- Additionally, the languages of the sessions relating to specific languages could be used, if there are enough presentations to establish a session in this language.
- However, to facilitate smooth transfer of knowledge all written material (slides, handouts) must be provided in English.
Submission deadline for the abstracts | November 15, 2024 |
Notification of acceptance after reviewing the abstracts | December 15, 2024 |
Submission deadline for the recorded presentations (only online presentation) | April 30, 2025 |
Early-bird registration deadline for presenters | February 15, 2025 |
Late-bird registration deadline for presenters | April 15, 2025 |
Registration deadline for attendance only (no presentation) | April 30, 2025 |
Dates of the conference | May 22-24, 2025 |
We welcome individual papers of one or more authors and panel proposals.
Length: The abstracts for both individual papers and panels should be 1 to 2 pages (A4), as they are expected to outline the content of the presentation in greater detail. Please make sure to include the conference topic it relates to, your research objectives, methodology and main findings.
Language: All abstracts must be written in English. Please include the language you prefer to use in your presentation: English, Portuguese, or another language.
Form: Abstracts must be submitted via the dedicated form (docx file) which can be downloaded from our website.
The abstracts must be sent to the following E-MAIL ADDRESS:
Please write “Abstract 11th International WGNDV Conference” in the subject line.
Deadline for submitting the abstracts: November 15, 2023.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by December 10, 2023.
- We welcome individual papers of one or more authors, but also panel proposals: The presentation time for individual papers is limited to 20 minutes to make sure there is enough time for discussion and to enable enough participants to present their paper at the conference.
- The oral presentation can be held in English, Portuguese, or any other language if a specific session for this language has been set up. All written material (slides, handouts) must be in English.
- In order to avoid delays caused by technical issues with microphones, cameras, internet connections, etc.), we would like all online presentations to be recorded beforehand, but they will be streamed in the presence of the presenter. Online presentations therefore will not be held live. After streaming the presentations in each session, a general live discussion of all papers will be held in which the authors answer the questions live.
- We ask all presenters to record their presentation, for example via:
- the functionality in PowerPoint see Record a presentation in PowerPoint
- the recording feature in Teams see Record a meeting in Teams
- the recording feature in Zoom see Recording a Zoom Meeting (YouTube tutorial)
- Deadline for submitting the recorded presentation: April 30, 2025.
- Please e-mail your video file to Should the file be too large (more than 6 MB) you could for instance use the free file transfer service offered by WeTransfer.
We are planning to publish a selected number of papers in one or two peer-reviewed open access volume(s) thematically aligned with the themes of the conference at PCL-Press. This will be discussed on the final day of the conference during the closing session.
Chairs of the conference:
Ana Raquel Matias (Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
Máté Huber (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Tanara Zingano Kuhn (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Organising Committee:
Ana Raquel Matias (Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
Benjamin Meisnitzer (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Margarita Correia Ferreira (University of Lisbon, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Maria Eugenia Lammoglia Duarte (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Máté Huber (University of Szeged, Hungary)
Paulo Feytor Pinto (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Stefan Dollinger (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Tanara Zingano Kuhn (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Local Organising Committee
Ana Raquel Matias (Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
Carlos Gouveia (University of Lisbon, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Catarina Gaspar (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Cláudia Pereira (Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
Liliana Inverno (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Margarita Correia (University of Lisbon, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Paulo Feytor Pinto (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Sofia Gaspar (Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
Tanara Zingano Kuhn (University of Coimbra, Portugal)